Friday, 18 July 2008

Last bells for Report handin!

It was panic and mayham when I entered Uni today. There were students crammed into every nook and corner of the LRC when I strolled in. Why was that..?

It was the last day to hand in the report.

Usually I am Cocky and would have had everything handed in my now, but as I had no printer at home, I was stuck and had to go in. I was lucky to find Sarah in the same situation as me- Just come in to print it out on her computer! Geez!

Anyway, wiping our brows he headed to Kingston to have some food before the dreaded revision. We went to Pizza hut just because they had the buffet meal on. I was such a pig I managed to gobble down 2 plates full of food and a starter, while Sarah nibbles just one plate...Man I felt like a fat Cat.

Sarah suggested that we should do some revision at St Georges Library. I agreed and we headed over. Didn’t get much done though. We went in and saw Aster so we just sat and talked-We failed when it comes to getting down to the books! I was then texted by John who wanted to meet in Tooting for some coffee (Well for him, I agreed to have some juice instead!), so I ran off with some heavy books.

John was okie though seriously freaked me out. He brought me a Gingerbread man and kept “talking” through it till I smashed it up. I really was freaked okie! It was quite tasty. Felt wrong eating him o.O

Poor Mr Ginger Bread Man!
All the food I ate!

Aster being Smart :P


Nessie said...

and the ginger man looks well cute, but I remember u telling me this story lol
CHILllax lady ;p hopw ur well xx

~Pixie~ said...


That is all..:P