Saturday, 10 May 2008

In and around Kingston..

Hmm, well this month seems the perfect weather for food and nature, as the sun is up and it is hot. Rare thing in London it seems. So due to that, I have seem to take resident in a certain Cassie's house. Now Cassie, who I meet through John is a lovely bubbly woman most of the time. My problem is that I happen to have wondered into her life when she has exams. Her final, THIS IS IT, SAVE ME FROM STRESS OF THIRD YEAR exams. Meaning that I feel the need to tiptoe round in cause I jinx the last few days of her course and have her kill me. I have seen a warning glare in her eyes. They scare me. However, no one can revise forever, and we have had a few snatches of complete bliss to enjoy ourselves. Mostly with food and drink. Cassie works at KP Bar, which means one night I stole a load of green promo Boas and wigs. How flashy Irish did I think I was! It is not even Paddy's day any time soon! Hmm, the few BBQ's we had were sweet too..As it seems the world is turning veggie on me, I have dropped meat from my diet too , and tuck into Quorn more then a big mac! Good stuff I feel! ;p


Nessie said...

OMG! ur posts are all mixed, I nearly missed this post if I didnt read ur email and the facebook wall post ;p

~Pixie~ said...

I Know!
Backdated it just for yooou..:P
Watch the numbers..May have more mini stories appearing randomly!