Okie picture this..
Me in a dress and heels wandering abouting Kingston Town in an attempt to look pretty. Bearing in mind I cannot work in heels and the dress was way to small, I think I did good job!
I arrived there to meet John, where we paniced and tried to buy a nun card for Cassie as it was her 21st. (It was a few days ago, but the celebrations were on Wednesday.)
We did manage in the end to find a good one and a CD we knew she would like. .*High five*
Fast forward to having a mini house party and everyone semi tispy. There were all new faces and one in particular was Cassie the Candian. She had a funky laugh that set me off snorting, which set everyone else off as well.
Hmm, We all went to KP, before marching to Oceana again. It was a good time, though I had ruined feet before the night begin (Told you I can't walk in heels!!)
I was having an ace time til we got out of the club. There I noticed John was being cold.
He said I was playing games with him and looking for attention when I could not get it from him.
It was a slap on the face, and got worse when I went back to Cassie's and found out we forgot to bring sleeping bags as there were 4 others staying the night. I was trying to say that I could go back to Chelsea but no one was listening to me. Made me run away and John have to get the motorbike to find me. I did not mean to be a pre Madonna and certainly not worry anyone, but I was shocked and drunk and pissed off. Not the best mood to socialise with.
He did catch up with me in the end, and the next day we had to meet to deal with the fact people advised him to break up with me, and he was debating whether to listen or not.
I on the other hand, wanted to jump before I got pushed and told him to find someone else, as
I am leaving the relationship before I hurt him more seriously....
We talked and I cried, and we decided not to quit and proof we could be a good couple if we wanted to. Only time will tell if that was wise or not.
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