Okie, so here was the plan for this new semister..
After the heartache over the fact I may have been kicked out and the stress of retakes I plan to turn over a new leaf and be the good student.
Soo...I got there on time and was settling down to have a good learn when it turns out I was too early. To be presise a lot of students were late due to traffic! Arghh.. Sitting in silence with others complaining was NOT fun.
When the leacturer did start it was a random talk about Diabetes and the Insulin. The whole day. With only 2 half hour breaks.
Now much as I love having days for just one diseases, it was so packed it made my head spin. Was fun when they brought a Nurse who had diabetics in for Q and A time.
One of the braver students asked : "Does the illness affect your sex life at all?". Coy?..Us?..If you say so ;0) (The answer was "What do you think..?*wink wink*.)
Hmm, I had greater fun ecsaping to Kingston Town at the end of the day for much needed shopping of "hygienge stuff". Goodness knows how I got through without my lovely smellies or floss! I did drag Belinda and Aster with me too, so we had a good wander and brought far too much-A sign of a good day I'm sure. :O)
Not done with my day, I went off to meet Harry and Rosie for a catch up and going to the resturant "The Jam" in Chelsea.
Why that one?..Not the food as many others would have said, or the location.
It was simple. It had weird tables that were like bunkbeds but with the tables on the "top bunk"
The food was average though and made me feeel illl..Sad times.
Harry and Rolo enjoyed it though...I think..
Escaping afterwards we made off to the pub for cocktails and chats of a random nature.. I will leave those to your imagination.
Still not done I followed Rosie to Wimbledon to go to Spoons..We giggled like school children while I made videos of drunken us, as well as see how bad Rolo was climbling walls...
Hmm, Was exhausted when I final got home..But then can you blame meee..?
(Oh finally word..Rolo has her own version of the day on her blog..loookiieee people..Metrobean.blogspot.com)
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