Think about it..what is it thatUni Students want more thnm anything..? Not excess money to open the door to the Millionaire Club. No, not even the extra brain cell(or two) to make studies a tad easier.. Give up..? Well for me, it is the taste of freeedom you get just after the long term. Oh yes, I had my last exam today and felt.. Strangly empty after the exam.
The exam itself was harsh. Split up into two parts, there was essay questions as well as the multi choice Questions. It sucked. Want an example of what my dying Neurons faced..?
.... .......
Didn't think so :P ">Hmm, soon after that hell was over, I did what every one sensible would do. I hooked up with the other students and headed over to find the nearest Alcohol based drink. It was a cocktail and was so heavenly on the lips I sat there giggling to myself while the others looked at me weirdly..
It cheered me up to know I was going to go Paintballing soon tooo..
It was a double birthday celebration though very bad timing for me considering I had exams in a few days. Still considering that it was of the last time I could go out with Vanessa :P
The first night to celebrate Dan’s birthday. Again I met Vanessa before anything else, although I forgot how much time she takes to get ready. OH GOLLY GOSH..3 OUTFITS ONLY TO CHANGE BACK TO THE SAME ONE! Why?!
Hmm, What can I say..? A girlie to the very end.
Dan Sharp was 20 today, so to celebrate there was a lot of drinking and socialising. The pub he chose was the Marlsbrough Head. It was a really good gothic Pub, just off the Oxford Street.
It had the toilets behind the bookcase, a skeleton behind the bar and a lot of spooky jars. I must admit the temptation to drink with the others was strong!
Aside from Vanessa and I, there was about 20 others including Daniel and Mark.
Mark and Vanessa got on really well, which was sweet to watch. Photos were took, memories were made and Catherine had to leave in the middle of the fun. Damn it all!
The next Day saw me have to face my Snapshot. I arrived why to early so felt a little foolish waiting around. It was awful. I had to explain to a Smoker why she should give up smoking. It was painful for me. I stuttered, mixed up my words and got myself in a right tangle. It was a nightmare.
Hmm, I was glad to get out of there and meet up with Harry and Vanessa. We were going to Hyde Park to have a picnic. I dragged Belinda with me, and armed with Alcohol and a few soft drinks we headed over there. It was a picnic based event, where there were some people already there. I was shy at first, though soon warmed up as Mark’s friends were lovely. We played Frisbee as well as drink and talk. I got hit in the head, as well as hit Harry and Vanessa on the head. Ekk!
Again I was forced to leave early, as I had an exam in the morning. Not before I saw Mark climb the tree and Vanessa wallop him several times. Fun times ^_^
It was a beautiful day today. After struggling through the practice exams, I persuaded Smi to come with me after to have some food in Kingston. For some reason we managed to gather up others to come with us...It was like it was the Pipe Piper. It was Natalie, Belinda and Sarah in the end. We decided to come along. We decided to go to Frankie and Benny’s-Cheap and Cheerful.
The company was good. I was being the Kid again, as I stole a lot of Kiddie bags for us as well as insisting we play them. Sarah also made us laugh from her comments over the waiter. He was quite cute, remained me of Craig David and who was gay. According to Sarah anyway, who insisted on her theory several times as well as say it so loud he overheard. That made me snort, and the rest of the restaurant to laugh along. Damn the laughter.
Me and Smi also had a chance to talk which was good- She does make me smile ;p
The day was not over yet as after the restaurant, I went to met John in Waterloo..He took me on a boat ride to the o2 Where he paid for Cinema and am meal..Could I ask for anything better..?
I will think I will have to stop writing as I am becoming too soppy now. :
Love, Love Love:P
Will say that we have been together for 6 months now <3>
It was Kyle’s birthday today, and so a great excuse to meet the others for a mini adventure. I met Vanessa first and we rushed to Wimbledon as I made her late, as even though she texted me, my brain went back to sleep-I told you I was happy in bed! Met up by the two fat lady’s where we found Kyle, Rosie and Harry already there. We split up almost immediately. It seems while me and Vanessa opted for a big Mac and chips, the others were being a lot healthier with Boots for Lunch. Damn them! Again I felt so wrong eating the food. Anyway, went to see Wall-E as the group voted for it. Tis was better, though not as good as it was hyped up to be..Who would have guessed..? We ate more food after. We are addicted to wagamama’s as we went there Vanessa had never been to Mama’s but I think she liked it ^_^ Hmm, What else to say..? Kyle had a good birthday I think :P It was a sad parting. Rosie was going to Cornwall so wouldn’t have a chance to see Vanessa again. Vanessa also had to shoot off to see Karin, and I had to sleep. Because Sleep is good.
It was panic and mayham when I entered Uni today. There were students crammed into every nook and corner of the LRC when I strolled in. Why was that..?
It was the last day to hand in the report.
Usually I am Cocky and would have had everything handed in my now, but as I had no printer at home, I was stuck and had to go in. I was lucky to find Sarah in the same situation as me- Just come in to print it out on her computer! Geez!
Anyway, wiping our brows he headed to Kingston to have some food before the dreaded revision. We went to Pizza hut just because they had the buffet meal on. I was such a pig I managed to gobble down 2 plates full of food and a starter, while Sarah nibbles just one plate...Man I felt like a fat Cat.
Sarah suggested that we should do some revision at St Georges Library. I agreed and we headed over. Didn’t get much done though. We went in and saw Aster so we just sat and talked-We failed when it comes to getting down to the books! I was then texted by John who wanted to meet in Tooting for some coffee (Well for him, I agreed to have some juice instead!), so I ran off with some heavy books.
John was okie though seriously freaked me out. He brought me a Gingerbread man and kept “talking” through it till I smashed it up. I really was freaked okie! It was quite tasty. Felt wrong eating him o.O
Let me tell you a little about Vanessa to understando why she is so great.
She was a close friend of mine in St Thomas More and one of those girls that are so great you want to hate them, but you end up loving. Not only is she beautiful, she is smart, funny and sweetly naive in a good way. She moved to Malaysia in year 13 (A levels) and though we kept in contact with emails and letters, it was hard not to admit I missed her..
Anyway, fast forward to now and I found out Vanessa was coming over for a week to London. Wooh!We arranged to meet in Sloane Square and was able to overcome the shyness that you sometimes get when you don't see others for agess. It was like old times..We chatted about life, relationships, Men, Work and eachother. We decided to do the tourist thing and go to the Westend, when her mum rang and said she wanted Vanessa to go to Nottingham for her sister's graduation. I was a little Crashed. Still, not one not to get all the opportunities, I decided to go with her to Paddington after being dragged around to Primark to get Slippers aka Flipflops for V.He mum was not in, so I looked at the photos of what she did with Rolo and Others, which made me laugh..(To cut a long story short, there was a party to celebrate Vanessa coming back to London, where it was wild and secrets came out. I did not go, prefering the Peace of my Room to loud Soho fun..)Did maage to say Hello to Auntie and Uncle before Vanessa got in the car and off up to Nottingham. Just walked in the Park and looked at the flowers before heading home to sleep..How dull am I..?
The rise festival. A place where people can lay aside their differences and all come together against racism..At least that was the orignal idea of the festival. Instead thanks to Mr Johnson the mayor, it turned into a political minefield. He said there is no such thing as racism. Of course there isn't! We were just having big joke with the name calling and bullying were'nt we?..Anyway besides from the fact others were using it to fuel their hate, it was a good day..I met up with Claude and John in Finsbury Park and just chilled in the grass listening to various artists. Cannot remember most of them..The Aliens and CSS were fun to listen to. There were 6 different stages too, so a wide range of things. :PThere was also a reaction tester which was cool. It had 10 buttons that flashed one by one. You pressed them as fast as you can in 30 seconds. I got 33, Claude 29 .John 39! I was impressed!Claude was hung over so did not say much as was John (Proof Alochol was bad for you) though we did send him on the way for more Beer!We got approched my Hare Christians and gave them money, So to evan it out John decided to argue with the Green Peace Activists saying "So why are you so right then?!". I had to walk away. Forgot to mention there was a funfair as well, and lots of food stalls there. Tasty. It was heavenly!
Claude left us early, so we soon left for Chelsea..I had a bet whether I could bet him on the tube to mine, on his motorbike. He won. I felt well upset. Damn it all.
I have found out I got another addiction to go with the ones I have alreay. It is called "Entering Competitions. Relatively heartbreaking though as my enthusium is not met with wins. This time however I managed to win some tickets for the Itunes festival..And invited Claude to watch it with me..The bands were pretty good actually and I enjoyed it as the music entered into my hear.The script and Sam Beeton. Sam was better in my eyes..
You never get tired of telling me How I don’t understand you When the problem is You know I think I do I was just tryin’ to name that face So familiar, yet so out of place What's he want with you Oh god it’s like I said Still give up damn, if you think I can be what you want It’s Just a little late to stop
(Chorus) Now I know what you look for I’ts too late for me And I know what you look for And he doesn’t look a thing like me I guess what I’m good for Is laughing at, Stop laughing at me
The last 3 minutes of an era Are passing by without a sound You just shook it off I was prepared for every change But your stupid face is on my mind again I can’t say enough. Really wanna put you off
(Chorus) Now I know what you look for It’s too late for me And I know what you look for And he doesn’t look a thing like me I guess what I’m good for Is laughing at… Stop laughing at me
If you can afford to take what you want Don’t look down…
No one here saw anything You just slipped the knife in between Breathing in and out Casual isn’t it, Vicious little look is all it takes To brake the bank Very worst way to go
(Chorus) Now I know what you look for It’s too late for me And I know what you look for And he doesn’t look a thing like me I guess what I’m good for Is laughing at, Stop laughing at me
And what do you look for? It’s a crying shame Now I know you should see yourself Now you’re hanging out the back door I guess what were good for is laughing at, Stop laughing at me…
Hm, anyway, as usual we made the best of the night and stayed until about half 1. There were drinks, gossip and shots to be had, as well as Chiense food and drunken French songs.Best way to spend the middle of the week!