Friday, 15 August 2008

The dark thoughts inside a dark mind

It seems that however hard you try and work, there is always something that trips you up and makes you think "Why! Oh why?!". In my case it was the exam results..

As you all know, I am at University studying Nursing. What few people do realise is how crap I am at it. Edit. Correction, How much I suck at exams.
The results were harsh. Out of the 3 I did I failed at the essay exam. Passed the rest though.

So why am I making such a fuss..?

It is because I actually made the effort in this one! I had books out, and a colurful revision timetable and study sessions. I even brought new pens just for the chance to colour code the notes..And the results..?The dreaded F-A-I-L word. Damn it all people. Damn it all.
Back to the library I go...

1 comment:

Nessie said...

oh babe!
Sorryyy i read your blog from bottom to up!! rawr! So you are allowed to resit right? ACE IT this time round okay, you can do it--I KNOW! because you got a B for maths right? SO ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE okay hehehe :)

all the best and study hard. No playing around now!

IM BEHIND YOU ALL THE WAY (not physically) But im definitely supporting you. GO GO GO ! :) X