As you all know, I am at University studying Nursing. What few people do realise is how crap I am at it. Edit. Correction, How much I suck at exams.
The results were harsh. Out of the 3 I did I failed at the essay exam. Passed the rest though.
So why am I making such a fuss..?
It is because I actually made the effort in this one! I had books out, and a colurful revision timetable and study sessions. I even brought new pens just for the chance to colour code the notes..And the results..?The dreaded F-A-I-L word. Damn it all people. Damn it all.
Back to the library I go...
1 comment:
oh babe!
Sorryyy i read your blog from bottom to up!! rawr! So you are allowed to resit right? ACE IT this time round okay, you can do it--I KNOW! because you got a B for maths right? SO ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE okay hehehe :)
all the best and study hard. No playing around now!
IM BEHIND YOU ALL THE WAY (not physically) But im definitely supporting you. GO GO GO ! :) X
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