Monday, 21 January 2008

The life of the Uni Student

Hmm, So after years of thinking that University is a good thing with the Socialising, drinking and little work, I must say I feel more cheated then buying the lotto with my Last pound-and lost!..
At least talking about the few months I had today..
Having passed the first year through sheer luck and a winning smile, I was foolish to assume that the second year will be easier?.the logic?..Well after having to learn everything from the beginning, Suffering repeats of Lectures and illness brought on by stress, and this year only having two lectures a day- that would be a breeze due to the background knowledge..And placement?..Pssff, after last year?..How hard could it be?..
It seems quite hard as I struggled to learn the technical aspects of the heart and adjust to a day ward..ekkk!
Then coming back from the placement..Passing on the good will, rather then skill I felt (They said I talked to much-need to be more Professional..Who woud have guessed that??) to lectures, I thought it would be easy..2 lectures a week?..Simple right?.
Wrong! Oh So wrong!..The "background" knowledge has faded to nought as new words, Phrases and ideas are flung at us, as well as "assessments of patients" case studies..I found out to late it involved me, the internet and a long night til the early morning to find the answers!
No doubt the library will grow richer on my return to it, seeing as I take out books and forget about them, then am faced with a mega assed fine of £30+..At least I can say I support the development of the "arts"..:P
It is not all gloom, Don't worry..There has been much facebook stalking fellow students and meeting up of new circles..Friends birthdays, Blending the circles and general chit chat has all been causes of wide arse smiles..that and the ben and jerry's machine in our Campus, and a cheap bar..Ohh and the Subway..And the randomness there.. maybe not so bad anyway..;p

Ohh yes..Happy days..:P


Anonymous said...

University? It's just school but with more drugs!

Adjust to a day ward? What, are people sicker than at night or something? Or do you just find it hard to be yourself when there isn't a full moon?

Talk too much? Persih the thought! Sing too much, maybe..

Heh. "The arts". Made me laugh.

Ben and Jerry's machine. Sigh. Money-for-calories. It's quite amusing that the post started of rather negatively, and you worked yourself deeper into this haze of indignation at actually being forced to work - but then in the last ten seconds your brain suggested "Ben and Jerry's" to you as some sort of coping mechanism and you ended it cheerful again..

~Pixie~ said...

Ben and Jerry's Rocks my World..:P