Evil Shotssss...
The Two Toms..
John and me..
The Kewlest Resturant you can find in London :P
TomTom and Meeee
Phoebe, Belinda and Rolo
Part of the food me and John ate..
Hehe, I have just woken up to a hangover and giggling over the memories of last night..
It was a mad day from start to finish..I lost a bet to myself about getting to Uni on time, missing my first lecture, and belittled myself over how stupid one can be to check facebook in the morning rather then get the Early Bus ..
Hmm..The second lecture was pointless and I am sure I sensed a general confusion round the rooom as the Lecturer waffled on about what I think was vital signs o.O
Shakeaway stop left me in a better mood and with Belinda from Uni and her friend, I joined John in weatherspoons to start an evening of madness..
After the gals left, with Belinda promising to return later on, John suggested going for food...I argeed, and we ended going to Blue Hawaii..A resturant that is one of a kind, after the owner went on Honeymoon there..Liking it so much he opened a resturant in memory...
It was quite a quaint place, being a stir fry buffet when you pick the ingredients yourself and watch the chef cook it in front of you..Ace, though with the cocktails, starters and Whisky, quite pricy..(thanks for paying John, I owe you big time)
Onward bound to Putney is where we meet the rest of the gang, already tispy..Adam, Rosie, Phoebe, TomTom, Tommio, Harry, (hot) Hayley being the ones I remember..Happily drinking away, til Belinda came..
They all seemed to like each other *phew*, And with that out the way, Restlessness made us go to Soho, Revolutions..
Not before me and others went to Maccie's dee for a McPee...I had to be different and pee in the men's with Tommy guarding the door, shouting "There is no one here..Your safe"
THE SHOTS THERE WERE DISGUSTING..But at least we all had a laugh and joke..And it seems the toilets were the meeting grounds for the girls to bound and catch up..:P ..That and Randomness as Belinda started asking people for Siggys while I laughed and tried to help her
Last place was Roxy's..Dancing and drinking went to my head and I made out with Tom, which was Pleasent if not a little surprising for all who saw..
Finally it was homeward bound, where I had a big heart to heart with Tommio and was amused by drawing on people's faces..hehe..The kid never grows up..
Hmm..Belinda stayed the night as well..Fun fun times..
1 comment:
hahaha kidding. Im really fine with it.
RAWR!i hate you all for meeting up without me. ALL OF YE'S!
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