Rawr, where to begin is always the harest part of any story, especially when there is so little to share- none of the Adventures anyway..Just feelings of Confusion of where I stand with others..
If this is a little deeper then what your eyes are used to, then just skip this blog..As I feel a rant come on, and if you will liked to be saved, I would heed this advice!
Hmmm, I guess the blog should start at Karin's birthday a few weeks ago..Me being me ended up tispy and on a guy's lap which made some intriging photos and gossip..though nothing happened!
The party itself was good, being I got there early- although I had to phone for help and in the end John looked up the Address from my faebook, googled it and gave me idiot proof directions! as managed to watch Phatom of the Opera (I don't care If you think he is creepy, the Phatom is kewler!) then watch the guests arrive. Karin played the perfect host, and there was giggles and networking occuring all night, with people commenting on cute little Bubbles, Karin's Dog..(I wasn't the only one planning to steal her..the dog that is, not Karin)..til we got kicked out at 2 due to her parents wanting to sleep rather then here the sounds of youtubed music, giggling and vomitting..
Hmm, the rest of the Week was bland..Went to lectures like a good little girl, and astonished myself with actualy understanding what Anne our Lecturere was saying! Though I do have a soft spot for her.. She comes up with crazy comments, usually about meat and weird Metophars.."It is like a BBQ and hot potatoes" was the best o.O
What else to say?..I guess me and John had a first date as well..Which was...Sweet..Though I refuse to go into details on that one..some things are personal after all..Let's just say I went home smiling as much as he did..
Ohhh that reminds me, I lost my phone. It made me cry, the realisation of the lost texts, Photos, Music and of course Numbers..That and as I broke my phone a few weeks ago and claimed it back on the insurance, they treated me suspiously and told me off like I did it on purpose..then got hit by paying for the replacement stuff AND 2 months bills for tmobile..Ahh the shame of it all..
I think that is it from me and my last few ays..Will write more regularly, as going to go to some gigs and Brighton...Ohhh and Bath..
Peace for now!
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UPDATE! :) xx
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