If you ever decided to spend time with my family for Christmas, you realise how much we hate the holiday. We are the orignal Grinches that are happy to put our fingers to our ears, singing
Well, apart from my mum, who is happy to play the Santa's little helper and celebrate it properly.
This year however, even Mum was not immune to the ditziness that spread the nation as Christmas panic was really "Christmas..What about it..?".I do supect that was mostly to do with the Credit crunch,lack of jobs and crap being shoved in our faces for presents..Or the fact that they have woken up from the lie that Christmas is "Good family fun"..
Anyway, fastforward many weeks of stress and Christmas day is here at last..
Woke up with a headache and was ambushed by a bag bigger then me outside my door. After waking up enough to realise what was going on, I struggled to bring the bag inside my bedroom.
Turns out it was filled with presents. Mostly bright clothes ( blue-Why oh why?!) and following a purple theme with everything else..It was touching, if not frightening!
Hmm, After unwrapping them all, I settled to read my new book. Was not left along long enough though,as had to walk Fred. (Neighbour's dog..Sad timess)
Went to my Nana's after..still here now infact. It has been filled with shouts, food, Doctor Who and the Internet. Not Quite Christmas,but close enough for this family..
Hope the rest of you enjoy your version of Jesus' Birthday!
Happy Christmas Dear Readers!