My my..Just imagine my face a few weeks ago. I was a bright eyed eagar beaver about to start on her placement. The Placement being none other then the World famous Royal Marsden Hospital. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen..They let the crazy person into an Insitition where they are famous for being Professional. Great thinking that was, wasn't it..? Anyway, fast forward the last 10 weeks, and among the memories of Chemo and learning "The Marsden Way", you will find a girl close to tears. You see..I failed my first placement since beginning the Nursing Course in September 2006. What is the big deal..? Pssf, this was the same person admitting they were not the best example of Student brown nosing the Mentors for a pass rate... Well, as I had been naughty and gathered myself a bunch of fail Credits already, I couldn't fail the Marsden without the prize of being kicked off the Course..Hence the panic.. So what is there for me to do now..? Nothing. Sit tight and hope that the people in Kingston University have gotten used to my puppy eyed look that says "She feels bad already..Let us give her some hope. Even if it is to repeat the Year again.. Or worst- Find a new Uni to do so.
Anyway, beside the fact I failed the placement, there are still nice things to be said: #1 The Sister Jo was the sweetest leader. Who was also left handed. #2 The amount of cake and Chocolate to be sampled #3 The Doctors respected the nurses. In fact they shared advice and asked for help on several occasions #4 The fact I live 10 minutes away, allowing me to wake up half an hour before I was due to be in work #5 They are having a secret Santa-Always was a sucker for the mystery gifts #6 The Patients were interesting people that had things to say..and said them regardless #7 Taking out a CVC line out right first time ^_^
*Sigh* At least I have a reason to be Emo now..I am waiting to hear whether I can continue with the Course or not. Sad times I feel. Hope the Weekend turns out better then a failed Placement book!
Oh and in case you are wondering why they failed me..?
"Catherine shows that she is the level of a promising Second year Student, not the year three level she should be displaying, Although improved vastly from the student she was upon starting the Course, Catherine still displays difficulty in the Acute side of Adult Nursing. Due to this, I (the Sister of the Ward) think she needs another year in Clinical skills to reach the level of a confident level three Student."
Sad times huh.?

So.. theres another year of clinical skills for you to be doneee?? how much is that gonna cost?? rawr!
Nothing for me, as I would get paid to study..
Just the annoying part was that I was s close to passing the placement. If I was at St G's I would have passed. Damn them.
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