Saturday, 26 January 2008
A quick catch up in my maddeningly medicore life
Rawr, where to begin is always the harest part of any story, especially when there is so little to share- none of the Adventures anyway..Just feelings of Confusion of where I stand with others..
If this is a little deeper then what your eyes are used to, then just skip this blog..As I feel a rant come on, and if you will liked to be saved, I would heed this advice!
Hmmm, I guess the blog should start at Karin's birthday a few weeks ago..Me being me ended up tispy and on a guy's lap which made some intriging photos and gossip..though nothing happened!
The party itself was good, being I got there early- although I had to phone for help and in the end John looked up the Address from my faebook, googled it and gave me idiot proof directions! as managed to watch Phatom of the Opera (I don't care If you think he is creepy, the Phatom is kewler!) then watch the guests arrive. Karin played the perfect host, and there was giggles and networking occuring all night, with people commenting on cute little Bubbles, Karin's Dog..(I wasn't the only one planning to steal her..the dog that is, not Karin)..til we got kicked out at 2 due to her parents wanting to sleep rather then here the sounds of youtubed music, giggling and vomitting..
Hmm, the rest of the Week was bland..Went to lectures like a good little girl, and astonished myself with actualy understanding what Anne our Lecturere was saying! Though I do have a soft spot for her.. She comes up with crazy comments, usually about meat and weird Metophars.."It is like a BBQ and hot potatoes" was the best o.O
What else to say?..I guess me and John had a first date as well..Which was...Sweet..Though I refuse to go into details on that one..some things are personal after all..Let's just say I went home smiling as much as he did..
Ohhh that reminds me, I lost my phone. It made me cry, the realisation of the lost texts, Photos, Music and of course Numbers..That and as I broke my phone a few weeks ago and claimed it back on the insurance, they treated me suspiously and told me off like I did it on purpose..then got hit by paying for the replacement stuff AND 2 months bills for tmobile..Ahh the shame of it all..
I think that is it from me and my last few ays..Will write more regularly, as going to go to some gigs and Brighton...Ohhh and Bath..
Peace for now!
Monday, 21 January 2008
The life of the Uni Student
At least talking about the few months I had today..
Having passed the first year through sheer luck and a winning smile, I was foolish to assume that the second year will be easier?.the logic?..Well after having to learn everything from the beginning, Suffering repeats of Lectures and illness brought on by stress, and this year only having two lectures a day- that would be a breeze due to the background knowledge..And placement?..Pssff, after last year?..How hard could it be?..
It seems quite hard as I struggled to learn the technical aspects of the heart and adjust to a day ward..ekkk!
Then coming back from the placement..Passing on the good will, rather then skill I felt (They said I talked to much-need to be more Professional..Who woud have guessed that??) to lectures, I thought it would be easy..2 lectures a week?..Simple right?.
Wrong! Oh So wrong!..The "background" knowledge has faded to nought as new words, Phrases and ideas are flung at us, as well as "assessments of patients" case studies..I found out to late it involved me, the internet and a long night til the early morning to find the answers!
No doubt the library will grow richer on my return to it, seeing as I take out books and forget about them, then am faced with a mega assed fine of £30+..At least I can say I support the development of the "arts"..:P
It is not all gloom, Don't worry..There has been much facebook stalking fellow students and meeting up of new circles..Friends birthdays, Blending the circles and general chit chat has all been causes of wide arse smiles..that and the ben and jerry's machine in our Campus, and a cheap bar..Ohh and the Subway..And the randomness there.. maybe not so bad anyway..;p
Ohh yes..Happy days..:P
Thursday, 17 January 2008
The boat show was..meh
One of the nicer boats
Wooh, could buy a house for that!
The view we had for 8 hours..
Love at work..Mickey and his Lover
David and meeee...Look at the hat! WTF!
Hello there my dear reader..
A lot can happen in a week and a bit since I last Blog..
Most of my time has been working in the boat Show In Execel..It seems that I now work for Creative events which was Ace! Hmm, I had to get up Early for the first day at the harsh hour of 5AM! Still after a shot of green tea and the chant of “think of the money, THINK OF THE MONEY!!” I managed to get there for 7am..
I was told to work in the Cousin Jack’s Pasties Stall which also sold coffee, Alcohol and Guiness on Tap..there was 3 others though over the week the faces kept changing, except David who I think worked there for the whole of the boat Show..He promised to give me a ring he brought in Egypt which was ace of him..
The actual boat show was mind blowingly boring..I was let off early one day and wandered round to see what was on offer..It seemed I could afford Nothing, with the exception of a boating course for £99- Lucky for some huh?..:P..the most expensive boat I saw was going for £300.000 or something like that!
Seriously, If I paid £20 for a ticket, I would cry..There was a few families that came and bratty kids..I saw one that had to be frogmarched out of the halls (the Stall was right near the main Exit/Entrance) and hitting his mum! What was up with that??..
Umm, what else to tell you?..There was a few false alarms for bombs, the sniffer dogs in the morning are cute, but dangerous (note to self, Don’t touch one!!) and the pasties we sell are quite tasty with a dollop of Ketchup.
In other news, my new year’s Resolutions of being more Spontaneous is workings, , after pole dancing in Uni (joke guys, put away the dicks ;p), going to the cinema ..seeing lust, Caution and St Tris and dragging a confused Belinda to mix some more with other mates..No doubt if the nickname sticks it will be a fun time for all..Tom thought I wrote “Beowuld” rather than “Belinda” on the paper we were using to play games, so promised that will be her name forever more. I also discovered John and me will one day have a cottage with Roses round the door and a herb garden round the back, with the promise of 6 kids..hehe..:P
Nice to know the future is set huh?..
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Let's dance to joy Diversion
Evil Shotssss...
The Two Toms..
John and me..
The Kewlest Resturant you can find in London :P
TomTom and Meeee
Phoebe, Belinda and Rolo
Part of the food me and John ate..
Hehe, I have just woken up to a hangover and giggling over the memories of last night..
It was a mad day from start to finish..I lost a bet to myself about getting to Uni on time, missing my first lecture, and belittled myself over how stupid one can be to check facebook in the morning rather then get the Early Bus ..
Hmm..The second lecture was pointless and I am sure I sensed a general confusion round the rooom as the Lecturer waffled on about what I think was vital signs o.O
Shakeaway stop left me in a better mood and with Belinda from Uni and her friend, I joined John in weatherspoons to start an evening of madness..
After the gals left, with Belinda promising to return later on, John suggested going for food...I argeed, and we ended going to Blue Hawaii..A resturant that is one of a kind, after the owner went on Honeymoon there..Liking it so much he opened a resturant in memory...
It was quite a quaint place, being a stir fry buffet when you pick the ingredients yourself and watch the chef cook it in front of you..Ace, though with the cocktails, starters and Whisky, quite pricy..(thanks for paying John, I owe you big time)
Onward bound to Putney is where we meet the rest of the gang, already tispy..Adam, Rosie, Phoebe, TomTom, Tommio, Harry, (hot) Hayley being the ones I remember..Happily drinking away, til Belinda came..
They all seemed to like each other *phew*, And with that out the way, Restlessness made us go to Soho, Revolutions..
Not before me and others went to Maccie's dee for a McPee...I had to be different and pee in the men's with Tommy guarding the door, shouting "There is no one here..Your safe"
THE SHOTS THERE WERE DISGUSTING..But at least we all had a laugh and joke..And it seems the toilets were the meeting grounds for the girls to bound and catch up..:P ..That and Randomness as Belinda started asking people for Siggys while I laughed and tried to help her
Last place was Roxy's..Dancing and drinking went to my head and I made out with Tom, which was Pleasent if not a little surprising for all who saw..
Finally it was homeward bound, where I had a big heart to heart with Tommio and was amused by drawing on people's faces..hehe..The kid never grows up..
Hmm..Belinda stayed the night as well..Fun fun times..
Sunday, 6 January 2008
So I can safely claim..MSN IS EVIL!
Not that I minded..Who can resist the urge to find out dirty Secrets, or get a brand new perspective of those they hold in high esteem?..
That is why, 4 hours later (on and off) I am still trapped asking more ridicolous questions as tey appear in my slowly dying brain..
Thank you a lot guys..
Example of the W.e.i.r.d.n.e.s.s....
Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:41):
12.If I was a food what would I be and how would you eat me?!?!
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:41):
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:41):
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:41):
Rolo chocolate
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:41):
And Quickly
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:41):
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:42):
terry's chocolate orange and id savour ya
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:42):
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:42):
And me Tom?
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:42):
For tomm
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:42):
chocolate body spread lol
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:42):
A mars bar
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:42):
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:43):
And I would enjoy it
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:43):
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:43):
And you Rolo
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
hahaha dodgy
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:43):
some1 shud say a banana!
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
Katie some
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
okay I was going to say fruit polos
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
and I'd suck you
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
but it's just dodgy
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:43):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
so I'd make you some fruit poloas and I'd enjoy them
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:43):
and TOM
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:44):
I'd make you some ramen and I'd twirl you around
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:44):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:44):
on my fork obviously
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:44):
hahah damn u stopped my trail of thought
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:44):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:44):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:45):
15.How far would you go with someone that you just met?
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:45):
depends on the person
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:45):
make out
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:45):
but all the way
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:45):
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:45):
im a slut
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:45):
Stopping at sex for me
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:45):
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:45):
but in the moment i prob wudnt
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:45):
probably just a nice hug
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:45):
That way they will be more Intrigied
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:46):
ask you cheeky monkies
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:46):
There was a giant explosion. You and 2 other people of the same sex survived. Who would you want them to be, and why
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:46):
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:47):
either fiz's sister or sheridan smith or hayley or rosie or katie
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:47):
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:47):
jus 4 the hell of it
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:47):
id hav a rave
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:47):
I'd have
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:47):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:47):
is it
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:47):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:47):
or girls
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do just sent you a nudge.
P.i.X.i.e: No one knows where Shooting stars will land.. says (23:48):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:48):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:48):
Katie and
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:49):
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:49):
I'm bored
[Rosie]- So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do says (23:49):
entertain meeeee
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:49):
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:49):
My biscuits are not sweets you fool my snacks aren't whack there hypercool says (23:49):
and tings
Told you it was Addictive O.o..there was more..But even I am not that crude to put it up here..Let's just say I have more of an in depth knowledge of two great friends..hehe..:p
Saturday, 5 January 2008
So a fresh Start for today
Friday, 4 January 2008
The Start of a new year
There is a reason for that, as me and John broke into Battersea Park for a midnight Picnic, as we were both as bored as eachother..
It was actually quite kewl, considering he had to help me over the fence as my Jacket got caught and I couldn't climb due to wearing Wellies out (twice!), and it was freezing cold..Note to sensible people..Winter is cold and drinking beer in a park is NOT the best of plans..Though Rice Cakes, Cheese and weird Strawberries Covered in Yogurt made up for it..
Until I got a bit Kiddy and was intriged by the Rice cakes a bit to much..
Still brain dead it seems, We then decided to go to PrimRose Hill to watch the sunrise over a up,an Amazing view of London..Not that it happened like that..It was 8am when the Sun was supposed to peer up, and being it was then 3am, we walked a bit, distrubing a quaint man on the way and only saw fog..Oh, and the London Eye..We did hear the Animals in Regrent's Park..I think I hear a lion anyway O.o
Poor me was so tired then, I felt bad, and I couldn't move..Lucky for the Car and an ace driver that took me home..:P (Thanks John!)
Well that makes my mini adventure up two for this year..Sure more is to come. ;p