I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing..At least it makes us use our brains a little more to work things out.
Take my plan for yesterday..See John, go see Anna, go see LRF. Simple yes..?
Except I was late meeting John, which lead us to being late for poor Anna. Lucky for us she was patient and waited for us. In the Rain. Hungry. Oh dear.
The mood soon cheered up though..Anna and John got on well, and the band were as sweet as ever, talking to Anna when they saw her..
More people soon filled the small pub (it was in Kentish Town)like Ben Ward and Jack..
La Rebla Fam played all my favourite Songs..Especially "British Morning" (Video is here) and Ex. Good atmosphere and lots of smiles and D.A.N.C.I.N.G.
The other bands were good to, but Anna left early and we melted away before the show finished..
Had a meal in a weird Cuban resturant, then headed home. Not the most exposive-with-action-and-advenure night, but good enough..
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