As I was feeling in a loving mood, I decided to spend my Saturday helping Claude pack up to move into her new place in Walthamstow.
At least that was the plan..
Still half drunk from Tom's I got up there about 2pm to pack. Claude and Guillance had already left to get the keys, so I was home alone with only the builders who were making an extention to the kitchen for company.
I had just finished when I rang Cluade to see what she wanted me to do next (i.e Order a van) when she said that the rom had been over booked..There was a girl that was there for a week in the flat that they were supposed to move into today. Strong words were passed between the landlord and them, before they got there money back (A month in advance and a months money for safekeeping) and stormed back to Turnpike lane.
I bet you can only imagine the angry faces!
We did try to make the best of a bad situation. Wine was opened. There was a lot of catching up done, and stories of a weird nature were shared.
Oh my, well..Watch this space..Next month I hope the moving out is real!
Ohh, and Claude has the cutest Black cat. I am jealous. Truly I am!
Oh and as for the top is related to the fact we were curious if you could change the way you aste. Apperantly you can. Go figure!
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