My new tatooo
Me and Hayleee
Love of the Southend People!
Hehe I have just experienced the most craziest mini holiday away for a while..AKA PARTY AT HAYLEY'S! Let me explain more..Hayley Dye invited me to her houseparty in south end. I met John and Phoebe in Spoons and invited them. Me and Phoebe had a heart to heart and 1) She and me connected in a way I never thought possible 2) She told me that me and John should get together.. Soo..It is offical. Me and John are now an offical couple! (*gulp* What have I done?) Anyway, we drove down to Southend with me drunk on Baileys and met Hayley and her mate Lewis. This lead to more drunkness, exploring a club called Sun rooms and me finding out how much Tattoos hurt to have done..yep, I got myself inked up! What did it feel like?..Someone holding ice on you in a way so it burns but is cool..Best way to describe it!. Hmm, what else to add?.. -Hayley and me both argeeing the other was the fittest doll we have seen (Hot hayley!) -Me and John finding out how much we care -Finding out the Southend is a cool place to hang in the day or night. -That drinking a bottle of Baileys in less then an hour was a bad idea..
Just got the one on my stomach..:P
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