When I finally got to Bath, a pig was waiting inside the station, which surprised me.. Turns out Bath have an Art project with Pigs everywhere. And this sign
I found about 20 during the weekend, although there 105-Info here!
Dan soon came to meet me by the station and I set about exploring the town..which was small. After an hour or so, everything was glanced at. There were nice shops there. The fudge shop, the Italian Ice cream place and a pub called Hobgoblin that played Death Metal.
During the night there were a few good pubs to go pub crawling to as well. And there was an ace burger place that had the choice of so many Veggie burgers.
It had like 10 to choose from. Orgasmic. I picked up some paper penises off the street too..I was drunk and thought it was a good idea at the time..But it confused me so much the next day! Umm, Dan was good company. Helped me track down some more Pigs!
We went to see the Dark Knight as well, and watched Silent Hill. Talked about a lot of things to. Was nice to take time to remember why we were friends in the first place, as it has been so long since we could talk face to face. Too long I think.. Anyway, on the Sunday I had to leave to go back to London (Came on the Saturday Morning) so we ate in a cute Cafe, before I departed back home. Hope I can come back up to Bath soon!
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