Phew, so this past few days has been non stop adventures in the west End. The story starts watching the best band "La Rebla Fam" with a crazy french woman called Claude and a sick humoured guy called John. I say sick homoured due to the fact that as I accidentally let slip that one of the drummers was cute (Okie, he was like a God the way he looked.) John walked up and said quite clearly..
"Sorry mate, Just thought I should tell you this. My girlfriend over there thinks you are hot. Sorry to bother you.!"
I was more then a little embarrassed by this as you could guess! Hmm, the rest of the night was spent tolling round the clubs with Claude. It seems we had itchy feet and went to 3 clubs. Then the next night 2 more.. It seems to me that Metro is still the best club to pull and to dance to. However it seems that it is a small world as Claude saw a guy she knew there. Fun times. And oh my, I got beaten up by her at the end of the right with a rolled up We are Scientists Poster. Told you she was crazy!
In other news I went to see Amora the funky looking sex exhibition in the West end.
All I could say was it was not as Kinky as one would expect. Learnt a few tricks though ;p Pizza hut called to me to eat there, so me and Shane went there. Partly to escape the rain. Partly as we were to hungry to look else where.. Ah well, Hot food is gooood ..;p
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