Okie so as I am now of a couple I thought it would be sweet to do things together..And as John likes Car Racing and I like Mini adventures Brands Hatch seemed a good idea. Right?..Well, sorta. W got there in plently of time and rested in the hotel for a while before we got up bright and early for the races. Then it became hell. Being cold in Kent we had a tent and brought plently of food with us. No hats, scarfs or warm clothes though. We were soon in shit when it started to snow on us. We huddled in the tent and blinked through the hite snow to try to see the cars and trucks racing round. It got worse for me as I slipped in the mud at the end of it and couldn't climb up as my converse wouldn't grip. I had to crawl on my hands and knees to get up (I managed to slip down a muddy mini hill ) much to the amusement of the crowd. I wanted to cry, or at the very least have a warm shower and food! It wasn't all that bad though. I did enjoy watching the trucks roar pass and did understand what John was teaching me. I even got hyped when the guy I was backing almost won! However, I know now to pack more then cute tops and fingerless gloves when argeeing to go Kent to watch anything else.
(Sorry this is a ranting post :OP)