Saturday, 3 January 2009
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Happy New Year Everyone

Thursday, 25 December 2008
So this is Christmas..?
If you ever decided to spend time with my family for Christmas, you realise how much we hate the holiday. We are the orignal Grinches that are happy to put our fingers to our ears, singing
Well, apart from my mum, who is happy to play the Santa's little helper and celebrate it properly.
This year however, even Mum was not immune to the ditziness that spread the nation as Christmas panic was really "Christmas..What about it..?".I do supect that was mostly to do with the Credit crunch,lack of jobs and crap being shoved in our faces for presents..Or the fact that they have woken up from the lie that Christmas is "Good family fun"..
Anyway, fastforward many weeks of stress and Christmas day is here at last..
Woke up with a headache and was ambushed by a bag bigger then me outside my door. After waking up enough to realise what was going on, I struggled to bring the bag inside my bedroom.
Turns out it was filled with presents. Mostly bright clothes ( blue-Why oh why?!) and following a purple theme with everything else..It was touching, if not frightening!
Hmm, After unwrapping them all, I settled to read my new book. Was not left along long enough though,as had to walk Fred. (Neighbour's dog..Sad timess)
Went to my Nana's after..still here now infact. It has been filled with shouts, food, Doctor Who and the Internet. Not Quite Christmas,but close enough for this family..
Hope the rest of you enjoy your version of Jesus' Birthday!
Happy Christmas Dear Readers!
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Fast Car, remade by John and Cat <3
You've got a fast car
I want peace inside my own mind
You told me that you'll strike a deal
And together we'll go somewhere
Any place is better
Scarred from the past,got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll find something,
Me, myself, I've got So much to prove.
You've got a fast car
You've got a plan to get us out of here
Been working hard at my Placement
Managed to save just a bit of mentality,
Won't have to drive too far,
Just cross from London into Reading
You and I can both get grins,
And finally see what it means to be living
See my old Mum's got a problem
Deals with depression, that's the way it is
She says she's to worn for living
Her mind went too young, how Sad it is.
When Daddy went off and left her-
He wanted something more that she couldn't give,
I said somebody's got to take care of her,
But I turned my back,yes, that is what I did.
You've got a fast car
Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
We need to make this decision
Leave tonight or live and die this way
Say remember when we were smiling, driving in your car
Speed so fast it felt like I was free
City lights lay out before us
And your warmth of your hand resting on my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You've got a a fast car
We go cruising entertain ourselves
You still got that awful Job
Now I work so hard to be a normal girl
I know things will get better
You'll find Smiles and I'll get better
We'll move out of the shelter
Buy a little Cottage, the Door covered in Roses.
Say remember when we were smiling, driving in your car
Speed so fast it felt like I was free
City lights lay out before us
And your warmth of your hand resting on my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You've got a fast car
We get jobs that are ace it seems,
We live a life together,
This is what we saw in our dreams,
Never hoped for anything better,
My plans fulfiled, ain't going nowhere,
And we take your fast car and keep driving,
Say remember when we were smiling, driving in your car
Speed so fast it felt like I was free
City lights lay out before us
And your warmth of your hand resting on my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You've got a fast car
So fast you flew, we had much to gain.
Wasn't so hard to make a decision
Leave tonight and forget all the pain.
Anyway, it was like that. John took me away for the weekend to Reading as a surprise. He knew that I was a little mental from the feedback of Placement and wanted to destress me. How sweet..I was actually gobsmacked he wanted to spend 72 hours with a pissed off me. True Love it must be..
Reading. What can I say about it..? It has a massive shopping centre called the Oracle. The chavs were mild compared to the London versions. They seem to hate cars judging on the fact they sucked so much out of us for Parking charges and the resturants were good. Found a cheap Pub that loved Students as it was cheap and Cheerful. Big cinema as well. ((Sad to say I still rate Kingston over Reading. Not that I am a loser in any way)).
Reading by Night:
The weekend was supposed to make all the Sadness suck out of me, but being as I cannot control what I feel, or even hiding my emotions in public, John seemed to morph into me by the end of it.
It was not all doom and Gloom though. Went to the cinema twice:
Escape 2 Africa

Transporter 3. (Brilliant Film).

Oh and got a free Ben and Jerry's bag for buying the ice cream. Which John smeared ice cream all over, being the Male Child he is :P. Will pose with it when I find my Camera/Phone..

Sunday, 7 December 2008
If only if it was that easy..Damn RMH!

My my..Just imagine my face a few weeks ago. I was a bright eyed eagar beaver about to start on her placement. The Placement being none other then the World famous Royal Marsden Hospital. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen..They let the crazy person into an Insitition where they are famous for being Professional. Great thinking that was, wasn't it..? Anyway, fast forward the last 10 weeks, and among the memories of Chemo and learning "The Marsden Way", you will find a girl close to tears. You see..I failed my first placement since beginning the Nursing Course in September 2006. What is the big deal..? Pssf, this was the same person admitting they were not the best example of Student brown nosing the Mentors for a pass rate... Well, as I had been naughty and gathered myself a bunch of fail Credits already, I couldn't fail the Marsden without the prize of being kicked off the Course..Hence the panic.. So what is there for me to do now..? Nothing. Sit tight and hope that the people in Kingston University have gotten used to my puppy eyed look that says "She feels bad already..Let us give her some hope. Even if it is to repeat the Year again.. Or worst- Find a new Uni to do so.
Anyway, beside the fact I failed the placement, there are still nice things to be said: #1 The Sister Jo was the sweetest leader. Who was also left handed. #2 The amount of cake and Chocolate to be sampled #3 The Doctors respected the nurses. In fact they shared advice and asked for help on several occasions #4 The fact I live 10 minutes away, allowing me to wake up half an hour before I was due to be in work #5 They are having a secret Santa-Always was a sucker for the mystery gifts #6 The Patients were interesting people that had things to say..and said them regardless #7 Taking out a CVC line out right first time ^_^
*Sigh* At least I have a reason to be Emo now..I am waiting to hear whether I can continue with the Course or not. Sad times I feel. Hope the Weekend turns out better then a failed Placement book!
Oh and in case you are wondering why they failed me..?
"Catherine shows that she is the level of a promising Second year Student, not the year three level she should be displaying, Although improved vastly from the student she was upon starting the Course, Catherine still displays difficulty in the Acute side of Adult Nursing. Due to this, I (the Sister of the Ward) think she needs another year in Clinical skills to reach the level of a confident level three Student."
Sad times huh.?

Monday, 1 December 2008
A tale of Old Friends
Yes it appers that those I knew and loved from Secondary School were still the Same, fun loving folk I remembered. Rosie, Kyle and Harry. The best a gal can get.
Met them at High Street Ken, stalked out a few clothes and gulped down a weird Meal that consisted far to much of Homus. Aww, good times.
As Usual we gossioped about how life was in St Thomas More. Kyle summarised best though:
"Isn't it weird how life seemed so normal at school, and you get out in the real world and are like, errr, School was fucked"
He was refering to the time that a guy went a little mental with a knife in Class, or the sexual nature everyone displayed far to early, or even the fact some people resorted to having sex in the Church..But, even without the delinquents it did feel weird stepping out of class and realising that you have a new role to fulfil...
If only the problems that are faced in our lives are just getting to class on time and completing homework to avoid dentention..
Anyway, we also stalked out Vanessa's Old house. Just because we were in the Area. And the fact that we wanted a mini adventure...We also (according to Kyle) Saw a celebrity and looked at his old School.
Sweet Childhood Memories...
Rolo didn't want to Pose..Damn her!
Stalking out Vanessa's old home
Posers, just like old times!
So the Christmas Spirit has finally London big time..
Here are some of my favourite snaps of him:
Now every since I was a little girl my Mum took me to the West End to look in the Shop windows and see the Christmas decerations. Really sweet, although getting older sometimes I do roll my eyes at the idea of going out just to see the displays. I know, I can be a bit whiny at times. However, Santa was not the only one to gace the stage this year- The whole Animal Kingdom wanted a bit of the spotlight as well....
(In Debenams, 2008)
And of Course, the Fairy tale Kingdom was not to be forgotten either with Delights such as the Snow Queen and Pirates:
(In Fortum and Mason,2008)
I was impressed by the beauty and skill that went into those!I don't know about you..